We live in a world of data, and data science combines the principles and practices of mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence, and computer engineering to extract, clean, analyze, and interpret vast amounts of both structured and unstructured data.

Why pursue a Master’s Degree in Data Science?

A Master’s Degree in Data Science provides the essential, practical, in-depth skills needed to further your career and to meet the ever-growing demand for data scientists in almost every industry. This means that employers worldwide are looking for talented, competent data analysts, big data engineers, and data architects to help them deal with huge data streams effectively so as to achieve real-time processing and analysis for immediate insights.

Explore the benefits and opportunities that come with obtaining a Master’s Degree in Data Science

Data science and AI can be used to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. Although Data Science is a relatively new profession, capturing and converting data for focused, logical thinking has quickly become a most rewarding field in the latest technical advancements, with a meaningful impact on society. Much of AI, machine learning, and statistics is data-driven, and the power of data is not limited to any one sector.


If you wish to analyze data for insights and to make strategic decisions based on them, then you need a Master of Data Science. Advanced knowledge, methods, and processes will enable you to deploy and interpret data science and artificial intelligence. This degree will help you to find solutions to today’s marketing problems, for instance, and become an essential part of a future decision-making process. With a Master of Data Science you will become a professional able to combine knowledge with acumen, drive innovation, and generate strategic solutions in any field, anywhere in the world.

Master of Data Science: choosing the right program

Factors to consider when selecting a data science master’s program

Of course choosing the right data science degree program is all-important. Accreditation must be carefully considered, as well as the reputation of the institution and the flexibility of the program, industry connections, and alumni success. There are also support services and costs to take into account. The MSc in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Strategy program fills in the gap between business and higher education in AI with an action-oriented approach to mastering basic technologies and a true understanding of human and business effects. But first outline your career goals and job requirements. What do you really want and foresee for your future? The program you choose must match your objectives, as well as the career and way of life you are aiming for.

Discover the typical courses and subjects covered in a data science master’s program

Subjects covered will include statistics, programming, machine learning, coding, cloud and scientific computing, predictive analytics and segmentation, big data technologies, and data visualization and manipulation. An effective program will also provide practical-experience opportunities and industry connections. Students should also be involved in several hands-on projects and have access to internships and industry collaborations.

Master of Data Science: career opportunities

According to the 100 Top Jobs in the US News and World Report in 2023, information security analyst, software developer, data scientist, and statistician ranked among the top jobs in terms of pay and demand. Career opportunities are manifold, and it looks as though in the near future the Master of Data Science degree holder will be the middleman or middlewoman communicating with both computers and humans. Data Science and Machine Learning go hand in hand.


Data plays a substantial role in everything from economics to astronomy to engineering to health care. Data Science is now said to be the most profitable professional path of the 21st century since it has become fundamental to how businesses operate and how they offer their services. Key fields include cyber security; reporting tools, such as dashboards; machine learning; data modeling; new approaches to market and sentiment analysis; predictive modeling; robotics; transportation; manufacturing; and even elimination of junk data. An expert in positive change and marketing trends can advise business and community leaders, build predictive algorithms, and altogether make themselves indispensable. Employers hire data analysts to find new ways to increase their revenues and drive down costs.

Discover the MSc in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Strategy

Established in 1872, emlyon business school is a French business school in Lyon, France, affiliated with the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The school offers a wide range of academic programs, including the Global BBA, Master’s in Management, M.Sc. in Finance, MBA, and Exec. MBA degrees, alongside specialized master’s (M.Sc., M.S.) programs, and a Ph.D. program in Management. The school also provides a wide portfolio of Executive Education programs for senior executives and experienced managers.


At école emlyon the MSc in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Strategy is taught in English and  approved by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles. The 18-month program includes a 4- to 6-month internship (120 ECTS credits); it enables both foreign and French students to acquire a high-level, specialized education aimed at the main functions of data science and artificial intelligence to be deployed in companies looking towards international markets.


In response to the extensive recruitment needs of the continuously growing AI-driven strategies and practices, this program gives you the opportunity to acquire key competencies by understanding, experiencing, and doing AI.


To apply, students need a validated Master 1 degree or bachelor’s degree equivalent to Bac + 4 or a validated License 3 degree or bachelor's degree equivalent to Bac+3. Candidates may apply during the last year of their degree, which makes you eligible for the program (bachelor's degree minimum).


Get in touch with our team for advice and information to prepare your application to this emlyon business school program.