Presentation of the Bachelor of Science Data Science for Responsible Business

Science and technology for responsible business and sustainable causes

The Bachelor of Science Data Science for Responsible Business is a 4-year Bachelor's Degree of excellence in data science and management approved by the French State. For those looking to pursue with higher education, the BSc Data science for responsible business can be a passageway to some of the best Master's Degrees.

This Data Science degree targets high-potential students and delivers a hybrid advanced training in data science and management to fill a gap in organizations, and answer their need for responsible and enlightened AI experts.

The pedagogy of this data science program is applied and action oriented (group and individual projects, busines games, flipped classrooms, ...). You will learn the best professional practices of AI and get a real know-how of data science through concrete business projects and responsible AI missions within companies, organizations, and research labs. Students will be evaluated all year long, on different courses and projects.

This program is eligible for VAE (APEL : accreditation of prior experiential learning), find all the information on

Jean Savinien - Academic Director - Associate Professor in Mathematics - emlyon business school

Artificial Intelligence impacts us in many profound ways and invites us to rethink the relations and traditional boundaries between science, business, and human and social questions. We are convinced that responsible commitment is necessary when working in AI and that it requires the creation of bridges between engineering and business units.

Yohann De Castro - Scientific Referee - École Centrale de Lyon - Institut Universitaire de France

Automation of tasks, decision assistance, optimal policy development... Artificial Intelligence is at the heart of large parts of our economy and our lives. Knowing its specificities, its limits and its challenges is undeniably an asset for our future decision-makers.


Assessment methods may include case studies, presentations, mock exercices, tests, etc.